Sabtu, 16 Maret 2019

Access Database Design Programming Creating Programmable Database Applications with Access 97 2000 2002 2003 Nutshell Handbooks 3 Steven Roman PhD eBook Kostenlose Bücher XSC

Access Database Design Programming Creating Programmable Database Applications with Access 97 2000 2002 2003 Nutshell Handbooks 3 Steven Roman PhD eBook lesen CLA

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  • Access Database Design Programming takes you behind the details of the Access interface, focusing on the general knowledge necessary for Access power users or developers to create effective database applications. When using software products with graphical interfaces, we frequently focus so much on the interface that we forget about the general concepts that allow us to understand and use the software effectively. In particular, this book focuses on three areas

    • Database design. The book provides an enjoyable, informative overview of database design that carefully shows you how to normalize tables to eliminate redundancy without losing data.
    • Queries. The book examines multi-table queries (i.e.,various types of joins) and shows how to implement them indirectly by using the Access interface or directly by using Access SQL.
    • Programming. The book examines the VBA integrated development environment (IDE). It then goes on to provide an excellent introduction to Data Access Objects (DAO), ActiveX Data Objects (ADO), and ADO Extensions for Data Definition and Security (ADOX). These sections serve as a handy introduction and primer for basic database operations,such as modifying a table under program control, dynamically adding and deleting a record, and repositioning a record pointer. The concluding chapter focuses on common programming problems, such as computing running sums and comparing two sets.
    Unlike other Access books that take the long, detailed approach to every topic of concern to Access programmers, Access Database Design Programming instead focuses on the core concepts, enabling programmers to develop solid, effective database applications. This book also serves as a 'second course' in Access that provides a relatively experienced Access user who is new to programming with the frequently overlooked techniques necessary to develop successfully in the Microsoft Access environment.Anyone interested in learning Access in depth, rather than just scraping the surface, will enjoy and benefit immensely from reading this book.
    ebook,Steven Roman PhD,Access Database Design Programming Creating Programmable Database Applications with Access 97, 2000, 2002 2003 (Nutshell Handbooks),O'Reilly Media,Operating Systems - Windows Desktop,COMPUTER,COMPUTERS / Data Modeling Design,COMPUTERS / Desktop Applications / Databases,COMPUTERS / Operating Systems / Windows Desktop,COMPUTERS / Programming / General,COMPUTERS / Software Development Engineering / General,Computer Books Languages,Computer/Languages,Computers,Computers - Data Base Management,Database design,Database design.,Database management,Database management.,Desktop Applications - Databases,General Theory of Computing,Non-Fiction,Operating Systems - Windows Desktop,COM051000,COM051230,COMPUTERS / Data Modeling Design,COMPUTERS / Desktop Applications / Databases,COMPUTERS / Operating Systems / Windows Desktop,COMPUTERS / Programming / General,COMPUTERS / Software Development Engineering / General,Desktop Applications - Databases,Computers - Data Base Management,Microsoft Access,Computers,Computer Books Languages,General Theory of Computing

    Access Database Design Programming Creating Programmable Database Applications with Access 97 2000 2002 2003 Nutshell Handbooks 3 Steven Roman PhD eBook Reviews :

    Access Database Design Programming takes you behind the details of the Access interface, focusing on the general knowledge necessary for Access power users or developers to create effective database applications. When using software products with graphical interfaces, we frequently focus so much on the interface that we forget about the general concepts that allow us to understand and use the software effectively. In particular, this book focuses on three areas

    • Database design. The book provides an enjoyable, informative overview of database design that carefully shows you how to normalize tables to eliminate redundancy without losing data.
    • Queries. The book examines multi-table queries (i.e.,various types of joins) and shows how to implement them indirectly by using the Access interface or directly by using Access SQL.
    • Programming. The book examines the VBA integrated development environment (IDE). It then goes on to provide an excellent introduction to Data Access Objects (DAO), ActiveX Data Objects (ADO), and ADO Extensions for Data Definition and Security (ADOX). These sections serve as a handy introduction and primer for basic database operations,such as modifying a table under program control, dynamically adding and deleting a record, and repositioning a record pointer. The concluding chapter focuses on common programming problems, such as computing running sums and comparing two sets.
    Unlike other Access books that take the long, detailed approach to every topic of concern to Access programmers, Access Database Design Programming instead focuses on the core concepts, enabling programmers to develop solid, effective database applications. This book also serves as a 'second course' in Access that provides a relatively experienced Access user who is new to programming with the frequently overlooked techniques necessary to develop successfully in the Microsoft Access environment.Anyone interested in learning Access in depth, rather than just scraping the surface, will enjoy and benefit immensely from reading this book.

    ebook,Steven Roman PhD,Access Database Design Programming Creating Programmable Database Applications with Access 97, 2000, 2002 2003 (Nutshell Handbooks),O'Reilly Media,Operating Systems - Windows Desktop,COMPUTER,COMPUTERS / Data Modeling Design,COMPUTERS / Desktop Applications / Databases,COMPUTERS / Operating Systems / Windows Desktop,COMPUTERS / Programming / General,COMPUTERS / Software Development Engineering / General,Computer Books Languages,Computer/Languages,Computers,Computers - Data Base Management,Database design,Database design.,Database management,Database management.,Desktop Applications - Databases,General Theory of Computing,Non-Fiction,Operating Systems - Windows Desktop,COM051000,COM051230,COMPUTERS / Data Modeling Design,COMPUTERS / Desktop Applications / Databases,COMPUTERS / Operating Systems / Windows Desktop,COMPUTERS / Programming / General,COMPUTERS / Software Development Engineering / General,Desktop Applications - Databases,Computers - Data Base Management,Microsoft Access,Computers,Computer Books Languages,General Theory of Computing

    Access Database Design Programming Creating Programmable Database Applications with Access 97, 2000, 2002 2003 (Nutshell Handbooks) - edition by Steven Roman PhD. Download it once and read it on your device, PC, phones or tablets. Use features like bookmarks, note taking and highlighting while reading Access Database Design Programming Creating Programmable Database Applications with Access 97, 2000, 2002 2003 (Nutshell Handbooks).


    Product details

    • File Size 3017 KB
    • Print Length 448 pages
    • Simultaneous Device Usage Unlimited
    • Publisher O'Reilly Media; 3 edition (January 7, 2002)
    • Publication Date May 8, 2013
    • Language English
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